Summary of Operation:
Hyperlocal Digital Marketing and Local community website
Ideal Franchise Owner:
Outgoing personality, confident, enjoys meeting people, enjoys helping people
Training Provided:
3/4 days initial, 26 weeks ongoing
Training Location:
Support Services:
Weekly for first 26 weeks then as required
Year Established: 2009
Year of First Franchise: 2012
Number of Company Outlets: 160
Number of Franchised Outlets: 5
Franchises Planned: 200+
Areas of Priority Development: Nationwide
Overseas Opportunities Exist: Overseas Opportunities Planned: Yes
Total Cost of Franchise: From £3,995 + VAT.
Initial Investment: £3995
Management Service Fees Payable: From month 7
Breakdown of Package: Initial fee from £3,995 + VAT, no licence fees first six months.
Financial Assistance Available: Yes
BFA Member: Provisional
IFA Member: No
| Projected Turnover | Projected Profit |
Year 1 | £44,000 | AOR |
Year 2 | £74,000 | AOR |
Year 3 | £120,000 | AOR |