#Dean Freeth chooses a Rooferman franchise to beat the recession

Dean Freeth was earlier employed with Lehman Brothers. As the recession started taking root, his career prospects started to look a lot bleaker. It was at this point that he decided to open a Rooferman franchise so that he was able to put a roof over people’s heads.

Dean first came across the idea of opening a franchise after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Even though this did not directly affect his job as a debt collector in Buckinghamshire, he felt that finance companies were not doing enough to help homeowners who were saddled with debts due to the recession.

Right after this realisation, Dean came back to his home town of Lichfield and started a Rooferman franchise with his father, Carl Freeth. Both the father and son have successfully undertaken and completed the five-week training program offered by Rooferman which sheds light on various topics like roof repairs, maintenance, health and safety as well as providing knowledge about new technologies like solar panelling etc.

Both Dean and Carl are hugely excited about the completion of training and in their own words cannot be more eager to get started with their own business.