#Drain Doctor Plumbing franchise receives Global Builder award
Successful franchise Drain Doctor Plumbing was recently rewarded for all of their hard work, when they became the proud recipients of a prestigious US award.
Drain Doctor is the biggest provider of plumbing and drain repair in the UK, and this certainly didn’t go unnoticed by master franchisor The Dwyer Group- even from across the pond.
The Dwyer Group, which is based in America, invited UK franchise owners Freddie and Jan Mitman to receive the award at a ceremony in Texas, and the humble couple dedicated the award to those who have helped them to make Drain Doctors the roaring success that it is today.
Mr Mitman said:
“These awards recognise the hard work of our entire network of franchisees and their employees. They all support the Drain Doctor Plumbing business philosophy, which is radically different from the generally accepted customer service ethos in the UK.”
Mr and Mrs Mitman have now been running the Drain Doctor Plumbing franchise for 17 years, and now boast a fantastic network all over the UK.
There are currently some fantastic Drain Doctor franchise opportunities available up and down the country for those who want to be a part of this dedicated team.