#Dream Doors scoop two awards at franchise awards

It was smiles all round for the Dream Doors’ franchise recently when they managed to win two out of three franchise marketing awards that they entered last month.

The franchise deals with kitchen improvements and it managed to pick up awards for Best Print Advert as well as Best Overall Marketing Campaign at the recent Franchise Marketing Awards which were organised by Venture Marketing Group.

The advert that the company entered for the awards showed a before and after image of a kitchen and the slogan ‘Enjoy the Fruits Without the Labour’. This is what won them the Best Print Advert award and their constant efforts to market specifically to their market through many media opportunities impressed the judges enough for them to be given the second award.

The managing director of Dream Doors, Troy Tappenden has said that he is delighted with the awards and Alison Ledger who was on the judging panel said that the awards always recognise high quality marketing campaigns. As well as this, they also award companies who support their franchisees and Alison pointed out how much these awards will now benefits the Dream Doors franchisees.

A lot of time and effort has been put into supporting their franchisees, but it looks like it has all paid off for Dream Doors.