Jane Gaynor has joined the [Auditel](/archive/auditel/auditel-franchise.php) cost management franchise this February. Previously, she had worked with Nielsen, the leading international global information and measurement company for more than 10 years. During this time, she was appointed Vice President of Operations and Quality, with the major role of identifying, managing and implementing cost saving projects.
Like many senior leaders, Gaynor had considered setting up and running her own business over the years but it wasn’t until last year that she had the opportunity to realise this dream. After doing extensive research on franchises, Gaynor came across Auditel.
Gaynor recalled: “I looked at other franchises but none seemed as professional as Auditel. I liked the look of their culture, their large support network and their values were in line with my own. I was also impressed with their business model and the people I met. Of course what also attracted me was that the Auditel business model is not just about improving business costs but developing, strengthening and implementing a holistic cost management strategy.”
Asked about the training, Gaynor said that it had exceeded expectations: “The training was structured in a clear and concise way, they made us work hard which I love and they gave us plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions. Meeting other affiliates and hearing first-hand what it’s like working as an Auditel consultant was very useful.
“Becoming an Auditel consultant was a natural career progression for me. I’m now able to use the skills I’ve developed over the years running my new business.”
Matt Sidwell, Auditel’s Director of Network Development, added: “Jane is one of many senior management professionals who have decided to join our network. Some, like Jane, may have expertise in one of our service areas; others may have gained experience at business executive level or within a profession. However our targeted training will very quickly enable a franchisee to become a fully-fledged Auditel Consultant.