##Harry Ramsden’s Coming Back Home To Yorkshire
[Harry Ramsden’s](/archive/harry-ramsdens/harry-ramsdens-franchise.php), the iconic British brand, world famous for its fish and chips, is to return to the roots of its founder with the opening of a brand new outlet this Spring.

In partnership with Vikesh and Dimple Patel of JVP Ventures, who, in late 2013, became the first franchisees signed by the company, post-acquisition, as part of an ambitious growth strategy, it is announced that three new outlets will be opening before the end of the year.

Harry Ramsden’s will return to Yorkshire in April 2015, when the first of these openings takes place in Shipley. Located in the town’s Wrose Road, the new outlet will take the form of a ‘traditional local’ and the purpose built unit, which extends to 1,000sq.ft., will bring with it 10 full and part-time jobs. Further openings are already being planned to take place in Huddersfield and Sheffield from April onwards.

Franchisee Vikesh Patel is aware that comparisons are likely to be made, however, he noted: First and foremost, to be able to bring Harry’s name back to his roots is really exciting for us. We have spent a great deal of time and effort in identifying and securing suitable sites however that process has been made slightly easier since both Dimple and myself were born and brought up in Yorkshire. Time and taste move on and whilst I think comparisons will be inevitable, our new Harry Ramsden’s outlets will reflect the brand’s evolution and we are looking to the future with great confidence.

Joe Teixeira, CEO of Harry Ramsden’s commented: It has always been a dearly held ambition to bring the Harry Ramsden’s name back to Yorkshire so I am delighted that we are able to announce the opening of Shipley. It effectively represents deserved financial investment in the brand and more importantly, secures Harry Ramsden’s legacy, locally. As we continue to successfully move forward, we still embrace the heritage and values of Harry Ramsden himself and this approach is allowing us to actively re-engage with customers of old as well as introducing Harry’s to a whole new generation, as our performance underlines.

As well as recently recording a 9.7% increase in annual like-for-like sales, Harry Ramsden’s is now one of the Top 40 ‘Eating Out’ brands in the UK, having recently debuted at No 15 in the CGA Peach BrandTrack report.