##Muzzy Izzet To Visit Mission Grove Primary School
Former Premier League footballer Muzzy Izzet will be visiting Mission Grove primary school as part of a sport event which involves coaching young children.
The aim of this event is to give back to mission grove primary school for their assistance as PTC Sports delivers a total of 33 hours per week covering all PE lessons ranging from Reception to Year 6, covering a range of sports such as football, gymnastics, dance and boxercise.
The day will consist of Muzzy providing coaching sessions from 9am till 12pm on Wednesday 3rd December, there will be opportunities for all children to have their photo taken with the former Leicester City player.
Taskin Hussein, PTC Sports Essex Business Manager, said: “This is a great opportunity for us as a company to give back to Mission Grove for their assistance while we have been providing their school with more than 33 hours per week covering all PE lessons from Reception to Year 6. It is fantastic to have Muzzy Izzet here with us for the day as it gives the school and the children something back.”
PTC Sports is always looking to work with different schools and offer various coaching opportunities such as after school clubs, breakfast clubs and PPA Cover.