#Six months of Oscar pet food for South African rescue dog

After eight years of neglect and four months spent in quarantine, not to mention a long trip from South Africa, a rescue dog called Aloe has now happily won six months worth of Oscar pet food thanks to Oscar’s pet nutritional advisor for the Peak District, John Allen.

John actually only pulled Aloe’s name out of a hat, but is sure to be satisfied that he has picked a worthy winner. Aloe, then called Hope, was removed from a Durban township by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, scarred from chains and infested with ticks and mites. Fortunately for Aloe, a couple, Sheila Knight and Chris Martin, visited the rescue centre just before she was due to be put down and claimed her, despite only recently having made the decision to set up home in Buxton, Derbyshire.

Aloe - short for ‘aloepecia’ due to her baldness, which she is now recovering from - is currrently still in quarantine, but will be out in September at which point she will have to get weather to the British climate.

John Allen from Oscar, said:

“I couldn’t think of any more worthy winners and am delighted that Aloe will get the opportunity to reap the rewards”.