Following a year of extreme highs and lows, it’s no wonder people are recognising the sense of satisfaction that comes with an ActionCOACH franchise.
ActionCOACH has welcomed 10 new faces into the UK network with their latest graduates from ActionCOACH University. Among those faces was Stuart Watt, who launched his firm in the Edinburgh West territory. Before joining ActionCOACH, he enjoyed a 35-year career in hospitality, but redundancy left him facing a life-changing decision. He recognised the appeal of investing in ActionCOACH as it offered the potential to build a legacy in a location so dear to his heart.
“I chose ActionCOACH as it would allow me to positively impact people’s lives,” said Stuart. “The pandemic forced many people to re-evaluate their situation, myself included, and I’m proud to now be in a position to make a difference to others as they experience this next phase of business growth.
“The training itself was fantastic and had adapted well to the new virtual landscape. It began with a period of book and video learning, which took place across the four weeks before attending our formal 10-day franchise training. With ActionCOACH, there’s a strong culture of personal development and, even when the initial training ended, the learning simply continued to increase. Since launching, the flow of education hasn’t stopped.”
When franchise partners finish their initial training programme, they are usually catapulted straight into Step Up Week, which provides them with a chance to put all their learning into practice and secure their first clients. The April training class, however, got an added surprise with the annual BizX conference.
The event is one of the most prominent dates in the business coaching franchise’s calendar, offering attendees the chance to grab some immediate takeaways for their companies. Whilst clients relished the five-star content from the likes of Lord Sugar and Seth Godin, Action Coaches had the chance to get ahead in their own firms, with new tactics and strategies to grow their businesses too.
Simac Konkader and Dhiren Shah are two other lucky franchise partners who experienced the business extravaganza just days after completing their training. To support the launch within his Slough territory, Simac gave local business owners the chance to get in on the action by offering 10 free tickets plus a gifted coaching session.
“Getting this boost so early on in the launch of my business was great,” Simac stated. “It also gave me the chance to begin creating relationships with clients as they would experience the extent of the ActionCOACH world for themselves. It’s now up to me to show them how valuable it is to have a business coach and accountability partner.
“As well as gifting over 450 business coaching hours to businesses within the region, I’m creating a programme to introduce even further growth for entrepreneurs who wish to take their companies to the next level. I’m on the hunt to transform several business owners in the town into multi-millionaires. Using the ActionCOACH platform to help make the business community better is a credible way of getting my name out there. And what’s great is that the systems and extra support on offer are not just for me, but for my clients too."
The other seats during April’s training cohort were filled with three general managers and four employed business coaches – both positions that are key for the next phase of ActionCOACH’s growth. The employed business coaches join an existing firm, supporting franchise partners and making their franchise and reach scalable, whilst general managers will run the 40 planned corporately owned territories in the UK, whilst franchisors, Ian Christelow and Julie Wagstaff take a slice of the action for themselves! With the next training cohort already booking up quickly, the franchise continues on its winning streak.
Click here for more information about the ActionCOACH franchise.